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Saturday, July 23, 2011


There is a woman at my gym who looks pretty extraordinary, and her workout strategy caught my eye. I noticed her alternating between intense runs on the treadmill and sets on the nautilus machines. It took me a little while to work up my nerve to ask her about it, but yesterday I did, and I'm so glad! This woman is in killer shape, and I thought: hell, I definitely want what she has.

Anyway, she told me that her sister-in-law is a trainer, and recommended this interval strategy to her. First, she runs for a mile on the treadmill to warm up. Then does three sets at a machine. Then two super intense minutes on the treadmill (she said she is "comfortable at 8"--all I could think was, YIKES!). Then three sets on a second machine. Then two super intense minutes on the treadmill. Repeat. I forget how much she does altogether: I think it was just three miles total, but enough for 4 or 5 intervals. I was totally impressed, and a little intimidated, but decided I would try some version of this today. I knew I'd have to modify it some since I'm not nearly in that kind of shape (I usually jog along at a 4.5 at most--I'm just thrilled I can actually jog for a half hour now). But I was delighted that I didn't have to modify it nearly as much as I expected!

First, I ran for a half mile. I decided to do it at a 5.0. Then three sets on a machine. Then hopped back on the treadmill, and said, well, what the hell, since it's only a two minute interval, why not bump it up to 5.7? Did two minutes like that, then another three sets on a machine. Then back on the treadmill and thought, well, what the hell. It's only two minutes. Why not bump it up to 6.0? Which I did, and after a minute, said, well, how much harder can 6.5 be?

Four intervals later, I was zooming along at a 7.0 and feeling like a rock star! It was hard work, but not nearly as impossible as I feared, in part because I've started doing something like this in my spinning class (also totally new to me), in part because it really is possible to work very hard if you only have to do it for two minutes. I was done with intervals after that, but added another 10 minute jog at the end (at 5.0: I feel like within one workout, I'm kind of done with the 4s forever), and then had a nice long stretch, which I don't usually leave enough time for. But this was such a quick and efficient workout, it was quite something.

Obviously I can't judge the results after doing it once, but I'm glad I pushed myself to try something new, and given the way people sing the praises of intervals, I'm pretty optimistic. Also, it emboldened me to politely ask others about elements of their workout--in fact, asked two women about particular exercises they were doing with the balance balls, and no one seemed to think it was weird. Very exciting to learn more, to try harder, to discover I can do more than I thought!

Also: saw *138.8 this morning!!

The more I lose, the more I gain confidence that I can meet and exceed prior goals. Not long ago, my goal was just 134 (?). Was that it? I don't even remember. Now I'm definitely set on 128... and beginning to consider 125. Feeling really empowered and hopeful.

Smooches, Bibliogrrl

5'2"; 155/*143/128?  (*I weigh daily at home earlier in the day than my weekly weigh-in at WW, and it's been a great week. Can't wait to see how much if any of this shows up at my official weigh in...)

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