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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Staying on plan while travelling (part 1)

What kind of emergency/supplemental/long road trip foods should weight-watching hypoglycemic mostly-vegetarian take when going out of town? I'm writing you from my splendid vacation among the lakes and islands of northern Michigan--details of the trip to come. But however splendid the trip, I always worry that I won't be able to find "my food," and have developed a list of supplies that are reasonably portable, keep my blood sugar stable, and allow me to have balanced meals (breakfasts are especially urgent for us hypoglycemics--and if you don't eat eggs, or don't want to eat them every day, it can be a real stressor). Here's what went into my collapsible cooler:

Edensoy travel-size soy milk
Fage (keeps pretty well, since it's yogurt)
Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, peanut butter
Rolled oats
Sandwich with tofurkey, veggies, cheese on Ezekiel break
More Ezekiel bread
Strawberries, blackberries (in tupperware)
Pre-made salad (for eating on the road trip itself--won't last)
Shelled edamame
Nutritional yeast (for adding to served foods)
Protein powder (ditto)
For pescetarians: cans of tuna and sardines

What other foods do you bring? I'll write again later about staying on plan while on vacation: what I've eaten, how I've not made myself or my beloved too crazy about what I'm eating, and what a delight to discover I can actually do so!

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